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Guest wedding signature photo frame
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Display the signature wedding frame at your reception and invite your guests to sign. When the wedding day is over, simply place the glass back in the frame and hang. You can easilly fit the signatures of up to 600 guests on our large pearl white signature mat.

Capture those special moments and frame it with truly memorable photos in our Pearl Collage Signature Picture Frame. This Pearl Collage signature frame holds 4 photos and features personalization below the photo opening. This wedding signature frame is a must have for every newlywed. Add a personal touch and imprint the groom and bride's name, wedding date or any other special message on the picture frame.


Home > Pearl Collage Signature Frames > Premium Glossy Walnut with Gold Accents Pearl Collage Signature Frame
Glossy Walnut with Gold Accents Pearl Collage Signature Frame
(scroll down to order Wedding Signature Frame and Signature photo mat)

Signature Picuture Frame for weddings, anniversaries, retirement,  etc...

Signature Frame

Picture collage signature frame includes:
* Choice of Inner bottom mat color
* Large oval will fit 8W x 10H or 11W x 14H photo.
8 x 10 - Size of large oval is approximately 6W x 9.5H. Small oval size is approximately 3W x 4.5H.
11 x 14 - Size of large oval is approximately 8.5W x 13H. Small oval size is approximately 4.5W x 5.5H.
* Complete with backboard, matboard, hanging hardware & glass/acrylic. Ready to hang.

Guests Frame Size Photo size Price
Up to 125
16 x 20 8 x 10 $189.99
125 - 200 * 20 x 24 8 x 10 or 11 x 14 $219.99
200+ 24 x 30 8 x 10 or 11 x 14 $274.99
* Standard size for Signature Frame is 20 x 24
Product: SF22 - Pearl Collage Signature Frame
Occasion: Weddings, Anniversaries, Retirements, Birthdays, Celebrations, etc...
Select Signature Frame and Photo Opening size
Select Frame and Photo Opening size

Enter Personalization
Enter personalization: examples are dates & names
May 12, 2005
Trevor & Kathy
Select Premium Wood Signature Frame Moulding:
Select Premium Wood Signature Frame
Select Inner Matting Colors:
 Inner Accent Color (bottom mat):
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