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> Law
Gifts page 1
> Patrick
Henry's Famous Speech,"Give me Liberty or give
me Death" frame
Patrick Henry's famous
speech "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death" was delivered on March
23rd, 1775, before the Virginia Assembly in Richmond, Virginia.
Before the speech was delivered, the Assembly opposed his leadership
as they favored reconciliation with the Crown. However, the
speech created astonishing effects upon those who heard it,
and opposition melted. Specializing in law gifts, personalize law gifts, lawyer gifts, custom law gifts, judge gifts, legal gifts, law professional gifts, lawyer custom gifts, attorney gift and law diploma frame. All documents
are reproduced on special fine paper that have a mottled finish
and varied surface similar to that of the genuine documents
of history. The documents are manufactured from cellulose
fibers with sulfuric acid to enhanced the look and feel of
the original. In addition, they are treated with sulphite
pulp so the "old-antiqued" look is apparent.
Note! These documents are NOT CHEAP
posters found elsewhere. All documents are NOT folded.