Make sure you perform this installation on a clean area so
the mat and your diploma will not be dirty.
Diploma Insertion: 4 Easy Steps
1. With a standard screwdriver, bend up the flex-points on
the back.
2. Remove the backing and the mat board (you may have to
push up from the glass side of the display to get the backing
to come free).
3. Place your diploma face down. Insert your diploma by inserting
the four corners of your diploma into the clear photo corner
slots. If needed, you may use tape to secure your diploma
to the matboard.
4. Reinstall the mat making sure the glass and matting is
clean, replace the backing into the frame and press the flex-points
down to reassemble.
Graduation Tassel Insertion: 1 Easy Step
1. Peel off the double sided brown tape from the matboard
and place your tassel on the sticky tape.
We hope you will enjoy displaying your diploma.
Because a satisfied customer is the best advertising, we’d
appreciate it if you would share your thoughts about our exquisite
frames with your friends…and others that might be interested
in one of our displays.
Thanks again for your purchase.
Gift Certificates are Available!