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Company: |
Achievement, Inc. |
Inquiries: |
info@framingachievement.com |
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Framing Achievement, Inc.
12872 Harbor Blvd, Suite B, Garden Grove CA 92840
Tel: 714.531.3011
Tel: 714.227.8735
Fax: 714.531.3011
- Fri 9AM - 5:00PM PST
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Framing Achievement, Inc.
Fountain Valley, CA |
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Our personalized picture frame and
diploma frame manufacturing facility produce personalized
picture framing service for graduation, weddings,
photography, birthdays, anniversaries, military, retirements,
baby showers, sport jerseys, corporations etc... We
wholesale and retail picture frames to universities
and retail picture frame companies worldwide. Build
your personalized picture frame or diploma frame at
www.framingachievement.com website. We also sell graduation
portrait picture frame with tassel box.
- Diploma
Frames - features a professional sketch fine art
lithograph image of a notable university buildings
or landmarks. The diploma is accentuated with college
major logo, professional logos (medical, law, nursing
etc...) "Graduation Hat/Diploma", or "Class
of xxxx" emblazoned in gold on the frame mat.
We offer only the best quality satin or highly lacquered
wood frames. Framing Achievement,
Inc. offers an amazing breath of options and selections
as you search for your personalize certificate and
diploma frames.
- Graduation Frames and diploma frames
are always best deals at Framing Achievement, Inc.
- Wholesale Picture Frames - We are
pleased to supply the finest collection of high
quality glossy lacquered wood mouldings for the
framing industry. We also supply wholesale certificate
and diploma frames to many universities. Poetry
gifts - We sell poetry gifts for weddings, anniversaries,
birthdays, graduation, valentines day, mothers day,
fathers day. Wedding signature frames are picture
frames are also available.
- College picture frame - A picture
is worth a thousand words. Framing Achievement,
Inc. capture those special moments and frame it
with truly unique wedding signature frames. We've
put together a collection of many unique personalized
collage picture frames that will add charm to every
corner of the home and will delight every newly
married couples. Add a personal touch and imprint
the family name or any other special message on
the picture frames. Unique personalized picture
frames for all occasions. Personalize photo frames
are available at any size.
- Signature Frame is a wonderful
way to capture the memory of your special wedding
day with the signatures of your guests. Our elegant
signature frame is beautifully framed with a photo
opening for the bride and groom surrounded by guests
expressions of their wishes or signatures.
Copyright © www.framingachievement.com
A Framing Achievement, Inc. Company